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When You Get to the End of Nexplanon Will You Spot Continuously

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Nexplanon (Birth Control Implant): Everything You Need to Know

Do you know that you don't have to stress about birth control? You don't have to spend your everyday thinking about which type of birth control to use, how, and when to use it. It may sound impossible, but it isn't. And it isn't because we are talking about Nexplanon insertion .

Being a woman is not easy sometimes, and taking care of your reproductive health can often be a challenge. Common variants of birth control combined with regular visits to your gyno's office can add up to your spendings. So, why not save money without putting your health in harm's way. With Nexplanon, you can save money on birth control without compromising your health.

Here at Trogolo, one of our primary goals is to help women make their lives easier; that's why we often recommend Nexplanon insertion.

Many women are more than satisfied with Nexplanon as a way of birth control, and they would never go back to other contraceptive methods. Maybe you'll love Nexplanon too, and it could be the right fit for you and your needs. If you are curious to uncover more about Nexplanon effectiveness, keep reading.

What Is Nexplanon?

Nexplanon is a simple way of birth control that serves as a contraceptive for up to three years. It's a tiny implant that gets placed under the skin of your arm.

Nexplanon works by releasing a low dose of progestin, synthetic progesterone that effectively prevents pregnancy. It can do it effectively because the progestin will suppress your ovulation, thin the uterus lining, and thicken your cervical mucus.

The Benefits of This Contraceptive Method

Woman at a Gynecology Consultation

The first issue that pops in your mind is probably getting pregnant on Nexplanon and Nexplanon effectiveness.

Like with any other way of birth control, there are cases of women getting pregnant while properly using some kind of birth control. It's the same with Nexplanon, there were cases of pregnancy, but fewer than 1% of users had that experience. Nexplanon is exceptionally effective, more than 99%.

Other benefits of Nexplanon are:

  • It's very discrete and not detectable once it is placed.
  • You can forget about it once it is placed in your arm.
  • You don't have to think about it before or during intercourse.
  • It can affect and reduce menstrual pain.
  • It doesn't contain estrogen.
  • If you, in the meantime, wish to get pregnant, it won't cause you a problem.

The Nexplanon is the only birth control implant approved and available in the US since 2014 when it substituted the Implanon.

The Side Effects of Nexplanon

Before opting for any kind of contraception, it's advised to consider the possible side effects.

There are a few side effects of Nexplanon, and the most common one is irregular vaginal bleeding. Around two-thirds of users experience irregular bleeding. This side effect of Nexplanon isn't harmful, and it's up to you to decide if it will bother you or not.

Other Side Effects of Nexplanon, Amongst Others, Can Be:

  • Chest pain
  • Weight gain
  • Headaches
  • Cramps
  • Back pain
  • Risk of benign ovarian cysts
  • Low sex drive
  • Vertigo
  • Emotional instability
  • Depression
  • Vaginal soreness and dryness
  • Potential interaction with other drugs

Can Nexplanon Impact Fertility?

It's normal when the question of whether you can get pregnant on Nexplanon pops up in your head and if it affects fertility. The fact that you currently don't want to get pregnant doesn't mean that you wouldn't want that to happen one day. It's crucial to think about your fertility on time.

With Nexplanon, it's easy to get pregnant right after taking it out, even if your menstrual cycle was affected and you experienced irregular bleedings.

W ho Isn't a Good Candidate for Nexplanon Insertion?

Nexplanon isn't a good fit for everyone, especially those who want regular and predictable menstrual bleedings.

The best solution is to consult with your doctor to discuss your medical history, needs, and wishes. According to the information you provide to your doctor, he will decide if this type of birth control.

The Procedure of Nexplanon Insertion and Removing the Implant

For many, a procedure of getting a contraceptive implant or anything similar equals science fiction. But contraceptive implants are routine and simple solutions, and the procedure is straightforward.

Nexplanon Insertion

Before the procedure, you need to consult with your healthcare provider to discuss your medical history and perform a simple physical exam. It is necessary to be sure that Nexplanon is the right fit for you and that you won't have any problems with it.

The procedure is done while you are on your back and your arm is bent. To ensure you won't feel uncomfortable or feel any pain, you will get a local anesthetic.

The implant will be inserted via an applicator right beneath your skin. The insertion isn't painful due to the anesthetic, and you won't need stitches. Depending on your skin's sensitivity, you can feel pain once the anesthetic ways off. The spot where the implant was inserted can leave you with a miniature scar.

Once your doctor verifies the placement of the implant, you will be asked to do the same. You will be able to remove the pressure bandage in 24 hours, and you'll get instructions on how to take care of the tiny wound you'll have for the following period.

What to Expect After Nexplanon Insertion

Gynecologist Hormonal Contraception, Implant for Hormonal Contraception You are reasonably questioning what to expect after Nexplanon insertion and when does it start to protect you. It will depend on your period, and according to that, you should use additional safety measures:

  • You can have intercourse right after the procedure without the fear of getting pregnant if you get the implant inserted during the first five days of your period.
  • You can have intercourse without the fear of getting pregnant after one week of implant insertion if you didn't get it inserted during the first five days of your period.
  • Nexplanon effectiveness is excellent for three years and sometimes even longer.

Now, after learning what to expect after Nexplanon insertion, you get a much clearer idea about this contraceptive method.

Removing the Implant

You can remove the implant whenever you want if you are not satisfied with it or don't like it. Or the three years have passed, so you need to change the implant. If you are removing your implant because it needs to be replaced, you need to have a new one inserted to be safe and not think about unwanted pregnancy.

The removal needs to be done by a doctor, and it will be similar to the insertion procedure. The removal takes less than five minutes, and again, you will not need stitches, only a bandage.

If you don't want to keep using this type of contraception, you should start using another one immediately if you don't want to get pregnant.

Get Your Nexplanon Implant at Trogolo OBGYN

Now that you know everything about this excellent contraceptive method , do you think it is the right fit for you? If you do, feel free to contact us and book a consultation to talk more about it. We at Trogolo Obstetrics and Gynecology are here to guide you on your reproductive health journey and answer your every question. Your health is important to us, as it should be to you. Let's take care of it together.

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